Thursday, August 4, 2011

Because I'm wildly mature and a clear thinker

So. I've quit my job. Yes, in this economy where stable jobs grow on trees or fall from the sky like rainbow covered gumdrops, I said thanks, but no, I gotta go now. Holy. Fuck. Yup. Sure did. In my defense I have to say that this year has been an ass kicker and it opened my eyes to some realities I hadn't before grasped. I also have another gig and a half lined up and big plans to work on a bunch of personal flotsam and jetsam that has been piling up and making noise in my head over the last couple of years. Again, holy fuck with a huge side of YUP!

My last day of office work is August 30, although I've been doing a tiny slice of my other gig at night for the last month or so. And? That job totally did fall from the clouds with a soft thud in my lap. And? It's for a company I would have willingly sawed off my left small toe in order to obtain employment there. Only now I get to keep my toe and get a paycheck. Not too slouchy indeed!


  1. Holy crap,'re going to work for BlogHer???????????????????? Sigh. You're my hero!

  2. Dwija, I can't quite believe it either! Over the last coupole of years I've spent more than my fair share of moments on my bathroom floor crying adn asking for guidance. And then one day I got an email from somebody I used to work with when I wrote for ParentDish.

    I was hired in late June and it's been so big in my head I am just now able to write it all down.

  3. I am desperate to quit my job and just write. I'm way jealous. Congratulations!! That's amazing.

  4. Amazing! Way to go and congrats!

  5. Wandered over from Heidi's blog 'Me as a Mother'. Have been reading your posts ~ and learning a little about you! Congrats on the new husband and I walked away from a 20 year job stint almost seven years ago - best decision we ever made! I'll be back!

  6. Hello Heather! I just wanted to say thank you SO much for your comment today! It seriously made my day (month, year)! And I am very excited for you. I quit a good job that was quickly becoming a career (insurance!) and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Now if I could just find someone to pay me to travel around the country in an RV with my family and photograph and write about it I would be in heaven. :)

    Congratulations on your new gig! It sounds super awesome. Looking forward to hearing more about it!

    Me As A Mother

  7. Congratulations!! You are kicking ass!

  8. Thanks for all the support! There have been times when I've wondered if I'm insane, well more than usual, but the inner peace I feel is already worth it. Now I just have to solve that insurance problem. Sigh.

  9. Congratulations!!! That is wonderful! :)
