This morning my mother informed me a dear and lovely friend of ours, T, has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer. This woman lost her daughter to brain cancer a handful of years ago. She then went on to marry a wonderful man who had previously lost his wife to cancer. She is hard working and one of the most courageous women I have ever encountered. She and her husband, J, helped my mother find her bearings after my father died. They held Devon close and accpeted them into their hearts in those awful months after my father's death when Devon would often ask if J was his beloved Pop-Pop. My mom, the children and I have found a second home of sorts at their home over the last few years, a place always filled with love and kindness.
It breaks my heart and pisses me off something fierce to hear this news today. I love these kind, gracious people and am so deeply saddened for them and the multitudes of people who love them so very much.
Oh, Heather, I'm so sorry. That is horrible news.